
Finally inside, the secretary of Mr. Rohit tells him that he has to wait because Mr. Rohit is still engaged in another meeting.

Behind the door he hears two men talking. He can faintly hear them talking about ‘high school’, ‘good friends’, ‘partners’, ‘you know I will always help you’, ‘your son and my daughter’, ‘marriage’.

Dirk Jan thinks: this does not sound like a very important meeting. How can he let me wait so late at night. In Holland I would have been home by now. Who does he think he is? I came all the way from Holland and I’m the best in my field. The should be honoured to have me here I feel very offended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arranged marriages are still very common in India. Don't be surprised if in a job interview you will hear the HR person ask if the parents of the girl already started looking for a suitable partner. This is what happened to me when I was in India to hire some new staff. I almost fell of my chair when I heard this. I'm from the US and these kind of questions can not be asked during a job interview. No way! Ben.