Hi! My name is Dirk Jan. I’m from Holland.
I’m single, handsome, and I know EVERYTHING about Dutch taxes!
European and US MNC's sometimes make the mistake to send younger managers to India to close a deal. This story board describes a common situation these employees may encounter.
Hi. You say this guy knows everything about taxes. But does he also know about how to deal with the Indians and how to deal with the cultural differences between Holland and India? Unless he gets some proper culture training I think this guy is in for a rough ride. I traveled to India quite a lot myself and I know from experience how difficult it can be.
Rudi from Frankfurt, Germany.
Yes, I agree Rudi! The Indians are likely to give him a though time.
I bet he is not even aware that cultural differences between countries exist. He is a tax guy and he probably never heard of Hofstede, Trompenaars, Ronen&Shenkar, etc. If he had I think he would have been better prepared for this job. Regards, Joshy.
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