What a (...)

During the meeting the phone keeps ringing and people keep entering the room to discuss things. Mr. Rohit is also sending SMS messages and he does not seem to pay a lot of attention to the presentation of Dirk Jan.

Dirk Jan thinks: This guy does not seem to pay attention to anything I say.
What do I do wrong?? What a (…).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. Trompenaars distinguishes between different concepts of time. In the Northern European culture for example the sequential approach is dominant. We like to do only one activity at the time. In India, people tend to do more than one activity at a time. This is called a synchronous approach. So the fact that Mr. Rohit is talking to others and sending sms messages during the meeting does not necessarily mean that he is rude. He just makes a different use of his time. Christina from Sweden.